Case Study: Illinois DocAssist and a School-Based Health Center

Illinois DocAssist was recently featured as an example of successful partnerships between School-Based Health Centers (SBHC) and Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) programs by the School-Based Health Center Alliance in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Below are some highlights. We invite you to read the full case study on the School-Based Health Center Alliance resource page.


School Based Health Center Background


PCC Community Wellness Center at Steinmetz High School in Chicago, Illinois, operates as a comprehensive community health center within the school, providing a wide range of services, including primary care, behavioral health, and dental care. Despite its comprehensive offerings, the center faced challenges in effectively managing complex mental health cases, particularly among students with behavioral issues and those on the autism spectrum.


The center became aware of the Illinois DocAssist program at a time when mental health issues and concerns were rising. They learned that Illinois DocAssist offers teleconsultation, training, and referral assistance to pediatric primary care providers.




Case example- A 6th-grade student with an unclear diagnosis

One case involved a sixth-grade student exhibiting complex behavioral issues, including inappropriate responses to school staff and difficulty interacting with peers. Despite previous attempts at intervention, the underlying problems were not fully understood, and the student’s behavior continued to escalate.


The solution

The nurse practitioner reached out to Illinois DocAssist for a consultation, which led to the accurate identification of the student being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. With this new information, the center was able to initiate a tailored treatment plan under the guidance of the Illinois DocAssist’s psychiatric consultant. The student was also connected with a day program at a local children's hospital and ongoing therapy, which helped address both the student’s anxiety and behavioral challenges.



  • Improved diagnostic accuracy
  • Enhanced treatment plans
  • Streamlined referrals
  • Increased trust and engagement


Read the full case study