Amanda Myers, LCSW
Illinois DocAssist Resource Specialist
Amanda Myers is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with Illinois Doc Assist. She provides consultation to providers around psycho-social issues, helps identify referral resources, and aides in navigating the complicated systems related to access to treatment and in-network insurance providers. In addition to her work on Illinois DocAssist, Amanda is a therapist in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Amanda has worked in a variety of settings including psychiatric residential, a shelter for women and children surviving domestic violence, and in community mental health. In 2016, she received her master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Illinois Chicago’s Jane Addams College of Social Work (JACSW). Amanda received a certificate from the Integrated Evidence-Based Behavioral Health Care Training program while at JACSW, which focuses on practical skill development of evidence-based therapy techniques for individuals aged 5-15 years old.