New Webinar Series!

Building Capacity to Manage Pediatric Mental Health in Primary Care Settings- Gain valuable skills by participating in this webinar series presented in partnership by ICAAP on 8/6, 8/20, 9/9 & 9/23.

Mental Health Apps and Websites

Mental Health Apps Heading link

  • Belly Bio

    Belly Bio, a free app with in-app purchases, teaches deep breathing techniques to implement when experiencing symptoms of anxiety and stress.  The app utilizes biofeedback to monitor breathing.  The app is currently only available for apple devices.

    Apple App Store

  • Breathe2Relax

    Breathe2Relax is a free app for both apple and android devices.  It was developed through the Defense Health Agency Connected Health and designed to assist in breathing techniques that promote relaxation.

    Apple App Store

    Android App Store

  • Operation Reach Out

    Operation Reach Out is a free intervention tool that assists people experiencing suicidal thoughts.  The app was developed by the military and has been found helpful in times of crisis.  The app is designed for users with suicidal thoughts to reach out for help.  It is also helpful for people concerned about family members or friends experiencing suicidal thoughts.

    Apple App Store

    Andriod App Store

  • eCBT

    eCBT provides therapeutic skills and education based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques.  There are three different versions to address Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders and Trauma. The target users are adolescents and adults.  The app is available for apple devices.  According to Psyberguide, the app has not been recently revised, and users should use caution regarding security updates.

  • WhatsMyM3

    The WhatsMyM3 app was developed for use in the primary care office to screen for mood and anxiety disorders.  Research has found that the tool is valid, efficient and feasible one page tool for screening for multiple psychiatric disorders in the primary care setting (Bernardini et al). The app is available on apple and google devices as well as online.  The app also partners with the National Suicide Warmline to direct users to their service who experience a significant level of suicidal ideation.

  • Mood Mission

    Mood Mission was developed based on Cognitive Behavior Training and provides different activities or “missions” for people dealing with stress, anxiety or depression.  Data from the app is being used for a research study and users are asked for information prior to unlocking the missions.  The app is free and available for both apple and google devices.

    Apple App Store

    Android App Store

Mental Health Skills Websites Heading link

Mindfulness for Teens – Free information geared towards teens on practicing mindfulness including videos and downloadable guided meditations.

Child Mind Institute and the California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project–  A series of free, evidence-based video and print resources that caregivers and educators can use to teach their kids critical mental health and coping skills. Available in English and Spanish language.

Mental Health Information for Youth and Caregivers Heading link

AACAP’s Facts for Families-  Provide concise and up-to-date information on issues that affect children, teenagers, and their families. Free and easy to print.

Child Mind Institute Family Resource Center– Find information written by experts to help support children who are struggling with mental health, behavior or learning challenges.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network– Information and resources on the topic of trauma for youth and caregivers.

Bernardini F, Attademo L, Cleary SD, Luther C, Shim RS, Quartesan R, and Compton MT (2010).  Feasibility and diagnostic validity of the M-3 checklist: a brief, self-rated screen for depressive, bipolar, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders in primary care.  Mar-Apr; 8(2):160-9. doi: 10.1370/afm.1092.