Tool Kit

Screening Tools and Interventions Heading link
- SBIRT Screening App: Screen pediatric patients for substance misuse and depression. The app is free of charge to providers through SBIRT Oregon.
- CRAFFT: Assess pediatric patients who endorse weekly or monthly substance misuse.
- The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): Assess alcohol consumption and related problems.
- Change Plan Worksheet: Use with Motivational Interviewing to document a patient’s plan to change harmful or risky behaviors.
- Contract for Life: Assist in facilitating communication between adolescents and their parents about harmful decisions related to alcohol, drugs and peer pressure.
- The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism offers a guide for providers in identifying and treating adolescents with substance use issues. The guide if free for download and a pocket guide is also available.
Treatment Resources Heading link
- Alcoholics Anonymous: Alcoholics Anonymous provides support to individuals struggling with alcoholism. Find AA near you on their website or download the meeting finder app:
- SAMHSA treatment providers: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration maintains a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking substance abuse treatment and other mental health services.
- IDPH Fact Sheet: The Illinois Department of Public Health created a fact depicting underage drinking among Illinois High School students. The fact sheet provides useful information regarding acquisition of alcohol by a minor, drinking and driving statistics and tips for what parents can do.
Parent Resources Heading link
- SAMSHA National Helpline: A confidential, free 24-hour, 365 day a year information source for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders
- Or call SAMSHA at 1-800-487-4889
- Illinois Helpline: Illinois Department of Human Services provides resources for locating substance use treatment and recovery services in Illinois.
- Or call Illinois Helpline at 833-2FINDHELP (833-234-6343
- The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism provides education and guidance for parents in talking to children and adolescents about alcohol use.
- offers evidence based information and education for parents. Access articles on what parents should know about alcohol and how to address binge drinking with youth.
Resources for Patients Heading link
- The National Institute on Drug Abuse created quizzes to use with children and adolescents to assist in shattering myths about substance use. These different modules test knowledge on how drugs and alcohol affect young people’s brains and bodies.
- is a website that provides adolescents with information and support to quit smoking or vaping. The website has free chat support and information for adolescents about triggers and how to handle stress without the use of nicotine or other harmful products.
- is a website that provides adolescents with information and support to quit smoking or vaping. The website has free chat support and information for adolescents about triggers and how to handle stress without the use of nicotine or other harmful products.
- Al‑Anon is a support program for individuals who have been impacted by another person’s alcohol use. Alateen, a part of the Al-Anon Family Groups, is a program for adolescents whose lives have been affected by someone else’s substance issues.